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Compassionate, Experienced K9 Nose Work dog training
Unleash the power of your dog's nose !

What is K9 Nose Work®?

K9 Nose Work® (K9NW) is an activity and sport that was inspired by the model of working detection dogs. It provides companion and sport dogs a joyful outlet for their innate hunting and scenting abilities. Our goal is for you and your dog to have fun, as we work together to build your dog’s confidence, independence, and problem-solving skills. You will learn to observe, listen and understand what your dog is communicating to you, as your dog becomes the teacher and you are the student. Take a step into their world, as you learn to view it from the perspective of your dog’s nose!

Nancy Neafus is a NACSW certified instructor with years of experience with her own dogs as well as training others with their own dogs.



Intro to K9 NoseWork - Sunday noon

This class is full - Please contact us if you would like to be put on the waitlist


This is where you begin your Nose Work journey with your dog; the foundation work for K9 Nosework.! This class is SIX class sessions long, starts January 14

Intro to K9 NoseWork - Friday 10:00 am

This class is full - Please contact us if you would like to be put on the waitlist


This is where you begin your Nose Work journey with your dog; the foundation work for K9 Nosework.! This class is SIX class sessions long, starts January 12

Continuing NoseWork

Once your dog is on odor and searching independently this class will provide opportunities to get out n the world and practice in new environments




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